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    What is Surface Tension

    What is Surface Tension?

    Surface Tension
    Surface Tension

    First, you should understand Cohesion and Adhesion........

    What is Cohesion:-
                          Molecules in the liquid state experience strong intermolecular forces. When those forces are between like molecules, they are called as cohesive forces, and especially strong cohesive forces at the Surface constitute.
    Surface Tension
    Surface Tension

    What is Adhesion:-
                                                     When the attraction forces are between unlike molecules, they are called Adhesive forces. Exp. The force between water and the glass tube is an Adhesive force.
    Surface Tension
    Surface Tension

    Surface Tension:-
                                     We can say, “It is the tension of the Surface film of the liquid caused by the attraction of the particles in the Surface layer by the bulk of the liquid, which tends to minimize Surface area.”
    Surface Tension
    Surface Tension

    Do you ever think why hot Water is a better cleaning agent?
                                                                                                                Because hot water has lower Surface tension than cold water. Lower Surface tension makes it better “wetting agent” to get into pores and fissures rather than bridging them with Surface tension.
                                                        We use soaps and detergents because they lower the Surface tension of water.
    Surface Tension
    Surface Tension

    Walking on Water by Mosquitoes

    Small insects such as the Mosquitoes can walk on water because their weight is not enough to penetrate the Surface. Mosquitoes can freely run along the Surface of the quiet pond because of their tiny mass and the geometry of their legs allow them to be supported by the high Surface tension of water. 
    Surface Tension
    Surface Tension

    The reason for making bubbles and spherical shape of the water drop is due to Surface Tension.
    Surface Tension
    Surface Tension

    Now, when you again see a lady at your home who is washing clothes, then your mind will think that this is the phenomenon of Surface tension. When you see the Bubble, You will think this is due to Surface tension.
    Surface tension is very important in our life because without it you can not wash your clothes, you can not see bubbles, you can not see drop nature of water and many more. I hope you understood well.

    Do let me know if you have any particular question related to this article, and I would love to answer them. If you enjoyed reading this article, don’t forget to share it on Facebook and Google plus.

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